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Map of the plantation of Guilgall laying next to the Suriname river


Map of the plantation of Guilgall laying next to the Suriname river

Lavaux, Alexander de

Title Leupe: Kaart van de Plantagie Guilgall tusschen de Cabriete en Boekweyt Creeq.

This map shows the location and extent of a plantation laying on the right shore of the Suriname river when sailing down.

The plantation lays between the Cabritte and Boekwijt creek.

Length and width are indicated in the lots through Rhineland chains.

Taken from: [OBP] Suriname 1736 [fols.] 1243-1244.

Scale of 100 chains of 66 Rhineland feet = 134 'strepen'.

See also VEL 1778 en 1779.

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