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View and plans of the fort of Groot Frederiksburg at Poquesoe


View and plans of the fort of Groot Frederiksburg at Poquesoe

Kip, Johannes / Churchill, Awnsham / Churchill, John

View and plans of the fort of Groot Frederiksburg at Poquesoe.

The Prospect of ye Danish Fort Great Frederick's Burgh, from the West, off at Sea / The exact Plan of the Fort Great Frederick's Burgh, at North East / The Ground Plat of the Fort Great Frederick's Burgh.

It is possible that the fort depicted here is that of the Danish Frederiksborg at Cabo Cors. Both forts were referred to as 'Koningsfort'.

Cf. Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, inv. nr. 3032 B 10, opp. p. 577.

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Sources and literature

A. & J. Churchill, A Collection Of Voyages and Travels: Some now first Printed from Original Manuscripts. Others Translated out of Foreign Languages, and now first published in English. (1732)