description description

View of the capture of the Spanish treasure fleet


View of the capture of the Spanish treasure fleet

Visscher I, Nicolaas

View of the capture of the Spanish treasure fleet.

Inset: Das Eylandt Cuba mit deroselben gelegenheit.

Cf. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, inv. nr. FM 413

458, FM 1594a, FM 1594b, FM 1594Ab, FM 1594Ca and FM 1594Cb.

The depiction measures 17 x 38,5 cm, the caption 28,5 x 38,5 cm.

Top left a portrait of Piet Hein.

Top right a portrait of Hendrik Lonq.

The inventory numbers RP-P-OB-79.386 and FM 1594B refer to the same copy of the print.

Bottom right: 237.

Please contact Rijksmuseum AmsterdamRijksmuseum Amsterdam for reuse and copyrights.