description description

Drawing of a 24-, 12-, 6- and 3-pounder


Drawing of a 24-, 12-, 6- and 3-pounder

Tilhenn, Joseph

Title Leupe: Modellen van yzere Canons van 24, 12, 6 en 3 pond. 18de eeuw.

These 24-, 12-, 6

and 3-pounders are designed for the fort of Nieuw-Amsterdam. The sub-Lieutenant Joseph Tilhenn of the artillery drew the design and considering nearly all his maps date between 1791 and 1795, these profiles and views probably derive from the 1790s too. The bores, rings, and knobs correspond to the late eighteenth century standards.

Scale-bar of 200 Rhineland feet = 125 'strepen'.

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