description description

Project plan for the extension of fort Amsterdam (open)


Project plan for the extension of fort Amsterdam (open)

Esdré, Godfried Carel / Burmania, Gemme Onuphrius van

Title Leupe: Plan tot het uitleggen van de Willemstad, geconcipieerd in den jare 1748, zoo mede het project van Zyn Exc. Den Heer Generaal van Burmania, zoo als het zelve op het terrein getraceert legt.

This 1754 map with a map section glued on to it by Godfried Carel Esdré, shows a barely adapted copy of part of the project plan for the fortification and extension of Willemstad submitted by the infantryman General Gemme Onuphrius van Burmania, made at the request of Stadtholder Willem IV in 1751. The general map which was originally part of Van Burmania’s Memorandum of 1751 and on the basis of which the whole project was drawn can be found under number VEL1452.

Of the map shown here, made as a further elaboration of the general’s plan after it had been approved in 1752, a second version exists in a report he wrote in 1754, in which the new situation is compared with that in 1748 (Netherlands National Archives, 1329 maps 1, 2, formerly VEL1455); however, this lacks the street grid of the planned town quarter. This open version of the map differs from the folded one through its references to the sections of the wall on the eastern side.

North is up.

Scale-bar of 40 Rhineland Rods = [ca. 1 : 970].

Please contact Nationaal Archief for reuse and copyrights.

Sources and literature

Heijer, H. den, Grote Atlas van de West-Indische Compagnie = Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch West India Company, II, de nieuwe WIC 1674-1791 = the new WIC 1674-1791 (2012)