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Muslims of Cananor and people of Malabar


Muslims of Cananor and people of Malabar

Doetecum, Joannes (I) van

The image depicts four people. On the left we see two Muslim men from Cananor (modern Kannur), who are described as arch enemies of the Portuguese. On the Malabar coast there were many Muslims, many of whom were traders, who resented the Portuguese presence. On the right we see a depiction of the common people who lived on the Malabar coast where pepper grows, between Goa and Cochin. These people are displayed in very simple dress, with the man and woman only wearing a loin cloth.

The texts under the image read from left to right: “The Muslims of Cananor and [who are] arch enemies of the Portuguese” - “Inhabitants of Malabar between Goa and Cochin at the seaside where the pepper grows”.

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Sources and literature

Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, Itinerario, voyage ofte schipvaert van Jan H. van van Linschoten: naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien (1596)