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Van Spilbergen's audience with the king of Batticalao


Van Spilbergen's audience with the king of Batticalao

Joris van Spilbergen’s 1601-1604 expedition reached Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon to Europeans in May 1602. At the end of the month, the fleet anchored at the city of Batticaloa, which at the time they named Matecalo. Van Spilbergen went to the shore, where he was first received by the local representative of the king. From 3 to 5 June, Van Spilbergen met with the king of Batticaloa.

This image depicts Van Spilbergen’s audience with the king of Batticaloa. The numbers represent the following: 1. The king with his sword unsheathed. 2. Joris van Spilbergen. 3. Musicians brought on shore by Van Spilbergen. 4. The king’s court. 5. A monastery. 6. Elephants in a parade/display. 7. Those who escorted Van Spilbergen into the city. 8. People hunting for deer.

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